Třicet Let Svobody
In English meaning thirty years of freedom, this portfolio is a commemoration of the thirtieth year anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on the seventeenth of November 2019. It starts with a remembrance of those who bravely fought and lived through the peaceful revolution, and transitions to the current generation’s gratitude for those who fought for the freedoms they are afforded to today, and their struggle for keeping those freedoms under new challenges. It finally ends in a way that captures the close-knit identity of the Czech people that kept them strong throughout their historical struggles. This portfolio aimed to capture the emotion of the people celebrating such a landmark event, as well as the symbolism behind national pride, freedom, and peace. It also aimed to show that while the Czech people have achieved their goals for freedom, they must still defend their freedom across new generations. I really respect the work of Czech street photographers capturing the Velvet Revolution, and I wanted to replicate as closely as possible what I feel an homage to the thirtieth anniversary of these works would look and feel like.